San Francisco’s Doom Looping Reality

San Francisco, a once booming city, blossoming as a pinnacle for ideologies of the future, is now stuck in a doom loop. The term “doom loop” refers to a city that is stuck in a constant spiral of unaffordable housing, empty office spaces, and so much more. It is essentially an extended time in which a city is constantly in a state of dread, with countless bad traits inhabiting the city. The doom loop of San Francisco has been perpetuated by homelessness, which has also been furthered by the doom loop as they are in a toxic symbiotic relationship. This has also led to a steep rise in drug abuse and crime.

Many are hopeful for the cities regrowth, but pessimism is running rampant as well.

The city of San Francisco has always been a pioneer in modern ideas and innovations. They were one of the first cities to raise minimum wage, which led to California overall following suit. Countless other, now statewide, laws started in the city. However, now they are stuck in a seemingly never-ending crisis.

Of course, San Francisco is not isolated in their struggles; just about every other large metropolitan city is dealing with a housing crisis. Employment rates nationally are low. But, given the history of the city, it seems like a particularly worse condition for the city to be in. The city has an office vacancy rate of 30%. This equates to nearly 30 million square feet of unused space. This is happening while a large population of the city is living in the streets.

Some are trying to generate plans for repair, while others are simply trying to stay afloat.

A few believe that the key to repairing and rebuilding the city lies within going back to a fully in person lifestyle. Ever since the COVID-19 global pandemic, much of the city has gone remote. Many work from home, order contactless food delivery, etc. People theorize that this loss of connection has further spiraled individuals down dark paths which has further spiraled the city. Those with confidence in this theory operate under the assumption that the future will be restored with a return to greater human connection. In the very least they believe that this will rebuild morale of residents of the city, which will ideally generate more confidence in them for the city to be restored, which will trickle down into actual citywide restoration.

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