Vaccination and proof of it will come more than in handy if want to go inside a restaurant for a bite to eat or stretch out and exercise in a yoga class that takes place inside a studio. At least, this is true for California, and more specifically San Francisco.
Vaccination Proof Protocol
No longer will a self-attestation of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test will not get you through the door. Big Brother is marching forward with the “true agenda.” So much for “flattening” the ole curve, huh?
Requiring a proof of full vaccination is what the San Francisco Department of Public Health is requiring. It would be for any indoor business that serves food (such as a restaurant). Also where your breathing will be elevating (such as a gym).
Vaccination: Restrictions are Ending the Good Times
Moreover, vaccine proof is now being requiring at all indoor dining establishments. These include bars, clubs, theaters, and entertainment venues. Or even a bowling alley or an arcade. That’s where you can order say a pizza or drink and then consume it on site.
Indoor Fitness-Related Establishments Are Affected, too
Moreover, it is also mandated at all indoor fitness-associating establishments. They include recreation facilities, yoga studios, and dance studios. This is where patrons will engage in cardiovascular, aerobic, strength training, or another exercise that involved elevated breathing, the city said.
Events in General are Going to Have Strict Parameters
Therefore, vaccine requirements are also going to be in effect at events with 1,000 people or more. That is regardless of whether there will be food or drink that is serving.
“Everyone 12 and older is going to need to show proof of vaccination at these places,” the department said in its guidelines that were posting online. Even worse is that you are still going to need to wear a mask even with the vaccination. Follow the science! Yeah right! Welcome to the Great Reset, my friends…
Then, two weeks after your final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, the city said, is what full vaccination means.